Hello! I’m Mari, a graphic designer and artist.

I’ve been creating art for as long as I can remember. I’m a medium maximalist and collect acrylic paint, oil paint, water colors, gouache, inks, markers, oil pastels, colored pencils…you name it, I probably own it. My physical work is primarily abstract though I dabble in the occasional figurative work as well.

Now, what I didn’t know all these years that I’ve been creating art, is that graphic design has also been calling my name: I’ve been creating handmade posters and typography for nearly a decade, I’ve had a “Typography” board on Pinterest since 2012, I loved creating PowerPoint presentations during high school and college.
I obtained my first degree, in Audio Engineering Technology, from Belmont University in 2018, immediately went on to work as an assistant pastry chef, and then decided during the chaos of 2020 that I should go back to school for graphic design.

A strong love of vibrating color and an attempt to create order out of chaos are themes that show up in both my physical and graphic work.